What We Do
The BBSC focuses its work around eight major goals. The activities that the BBSC takes on are all related to these overarching goals.
Enhance Sense of Place
Execute joint placemaking projects that support the small town and rural atmosphere, interpret culture and history, and protect natural resources while creating opportunities for responsible enjoyment.
Expand Outreach & Partnerships
Foster a culture of public, private, and civil sector dialogue and collaboration, efficiently using resources to meet shared goals.
Support Infrastructure & Asset Enhancement
Create an enabling environment for new community assets that provide for the safety, physical connectivity, and enrichment.
Provide Entrepreneurial Support
Create a supportive and collaborative environment to support existing and enable new businesses to thrive.
Support Authentic Experiences & Events
Enhance activities and events in Powell Township that focus on high-quality impact, rather than high quantity.
Measure What Matters
Collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data against key indicators to understand visitation impacts and community priorities in the near future and over time.
Tell Powell Township’s Story
Craft an authentic narrative for community enrichment and to strengthen the Discover Big Bay brand at the county, regional, and state levels.
Establish Operations & Secure Funding
Secure adequate and stable processes and funding to meet the agreed-upon priority objectives