Accomplishments to Date
The BBSC has come together since its first year of operations to accomplish the following initiatives:
Formally launch the BBSC and develop goals and yearly activity plans from community input
Launched the Discover Big Bay tourism brand and microsite on Travel Marquette’s website
Developed a new Big Bay brochure
Created a “Welcome to Big Bay” sign (plans to relocate and beautify in 2025!)
Designed and installed critical way-finding signage within Powell Township
Partnered with Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics to promote responsible recreation in Big Bay
Big Bay Specific Leave No Trace Principles HERE!
Hosted several events within the community:
Dash for Trash
Fall Fest
Season of Sharing
Quarterly Community Gatherings
Future Activities
The BBSC has created an Activity Plan for 2024 - 2025 to be updated each year depending on priorities. The following activities are examples of what is planned for 2024:
Develop a 3-5 year strategic plan
Invite new participants to join full Council meetings, committees, and/or volunteers to help with projects and events - particularly, continue quarterly meetings open to the public
Beautification projects
Update merchandise & sell online