2023 Resident Sentiment Survey Results & Analysis
Conducted by the Center for Responsible Travel
Understanding Resident Sentiment on Tourism
In 2023, the Center for Responsible Travel (CREST), with support from the BBSC, sought to gather feedback from the Big Bay community on tourism. A Resident Sentiment Survey was made available on-line and in-person to residents of Powell Township.
During the week of survey launch, the CREST team also held a series of engagement sessions and focus groups with residents that sought to add context and further inform finding from the Resident Sentiment Survey. These insights offer a window into the community's perspectives and lay out recommendations for future stewardship initiatives.
Visualizing Tourism 5-years from Now
Survey respondents shared their vision for tourism in Big Bay 5-years from Now
“Low impact recreation, focus on eating, buying gas and materials in Big Bay rather than come and go.
Donation system at trails for supporting maintenance. Trail races or fishing derby or some event to draw visitors at expected times for local/visitor co-mingling. Protection of areas where people are recreating. Not including heavy promotion of local loved places that are remote natural areas that residents value for their remoteness and few people. Offer of accessible trails in appropriate areas that could be ADA compliant.”
“While I think tourism is good for the economy, it is equally important that we keep a focus on the
environment and local community. I don't want to see so many tourists in the area that it affects our unique community. If I wanted to be around more people I would live in Marquette.”
“Big Bay is a small town that celebrates and recognizes the many different visitors/residents that enjoy the area.
Tourism is maintained by promoting and assisting with ALL types of trail systems (hiking, biking, snowmobiling), community events bring visitors in during off season in addition to busier months, businesses collaborate to promote weekend visits/events/promotions - by doing so supporting rentals and hotels. Strong partnership with natural resource experts to ensure fish/wildlife population and habitats are maintained and not depleted. A HIGH standard is set for the treatment of our area and assets. Something for ALL. Big Bay creates memorable moments and therefore becomes an important place in the lives of those who visit and live in our special area.”
“I see the trail systems being more heavily used and enjoyed by all, bringing more tourists, which is good
for other businesses. I think signage is important to instill a "leave no trace" attitude. Encouraging locals and tourists alike to respect the natural environment is of utmost importance to me.”